TutorExtra.com gives you quick access to private tutors, personal trainers, babysitters, schools, classes, childcare & daycare centers, sports & health centers, and more in your area.
You can connect with tutors for online, one-to-one lessons or meet locally face-to-face. TutorExtra allows you to teach in any online platform!
TutorExtra lists thousands of experts in over 900 subjects in various fields, sorted by quality and location. The listings can be customized by means of dozens of filters to satisfy your unique needs.
TutorExtra connecting all types of learners with a variety of different services - online, by your website or by phone.
TutorExtra lets you register as a parent, student, tutor, personal trainer, babysitter, school, class, childcare & daycare center, or sports & health center. Thus, you can easily find clients, students, tutors, or schools/organizations depending on your needs.
Simply choose the right type of user when registering and you’ll automatically get the most appropriate listings in the area you've selected.
Choosing a TutorExtra Subscription allows you to take full advantage of all that TutorExtra has to offer, and gives you access to additional features not available to Free/Unsubscribed users.
With a TutorExtra Subscription there is no waiting period to message other TutorExtra users. You can instantly message and contact any other user and also receive instant messages from anyone - even from Free/Unsubscribed users!
Having a TutorExtra Subscription lets you receive messages from other TutorExtra users without any waiting period.
Once a Subscription is selected, you pay only the single flat rate/annual membership fee that is listed - TutorExtra will not charge commissions for your lessons or services. There are no sign up or registration fees, no introductory charges, and no user fees. The Subscription price listed is the only amount you will be charged to use your TutorExtra.com Subscription.
The annual membership fee selected is the only amount you will be charged for using your TutorExtra.com Subscription.
To get started, go to Subscriptions in the main menu in the upper right, and choose the type of subscription that best fits you.
The more complete/fuller your account, the more experts/organizations you will be able to see, and the more potential clients will be able to see you. You may review/edit your account information at any point using the Settings menu.
In the Address section, when typing the first few letters of your city, you will see a drop-down list of all the cities containing these letters. Alongside your city, enter in/fill out your neighborhood and street to find local listings easily, or for potential students and clients to find you.
Once you have entered in/filled out all the information for your account, your location will be displayed on our dynamic map. You may also list just your city or even just your street, but if only the city is listed you will not show up on our map.
If you have any difficulties locating your address, get help by pressing the “?” button or simply enter it in free text and we will find it for you.
You may enter the price of your lessons and admission/or admission for your listing in the Price section of your account settings, as well as lesson duration and the appropriate age of your students/clients. Tutors who have included a price will get listed in higher positions compared to those who have not.
And remember - TutorExtra.com does NOT charge commission for your lessons or services!
In the Education section, enter the location, language, subject you teach, and your professional experience. You may also enter information about your level of education, school, city, subject, and year of graduation.
In the Certificate section you can add scanned copies of your certifications and awards in .JPG or .PNG format.
In the About you section, write a short description of yourself. In the detailed description you can list additional methods of contact such as Skype, Facebook, or a website.
In the Gallery section you can add photos of yourself in .JPG or .PNG format.
Searching on TutorExtra is carried out in through four primary criteria - subject/activity, type, location, and keyword. Each of these criteria can be entered separately or be combined with one another for more precise searches.
Search in TutorExtra is done based on four main criteria – subject/activity, type, location, and keywords. Each of the criteria can be entered separately or combined together for more precise search results.
After entering the desired criteria, the search is carried out by the specified filters and users are given results in two ways - a list and our dynamic map.
After the desired criteria is entered, search is done/carried out according to the specified filters and users are provided with results in two ways – in a list or in our dynamic map.List mode displays the accounts of experts matching your criteria alongside a brief photo, activity/training, price, distance from your address and more.
The search can be refined dynamically using the filters located in the left panel - location, photo, gender, subject, experience, age, and more.
Once you have specified the other criteria, you may select the location where experts will be displayed. This filter is very useful when searching using our dynamic map.
Map mode is suitable for finding experts within a certain radius of a city, neighborhood, or street.
When a location is used, approximate or exact addresses are mapped out and the positions of all experts that match the specified search parameters are displayed with markers. You may adjust the search distance in real time anywhere between half a mile and 64 miles, which allows extremely precise searches for experts in your area.
If a specific type of expert is not selected, all experts are displayed on the map. A single mouse click on a specific marker displays information about the expert/organization, from there you can also contact them via inquiry.
To get account views from the map, it is important to enter your street or neighborhood in the address fields (with or without street numbers).
You can send an inquiry to a registered user in TutorExtra with a single click on the message/query button when viewing their account.
In the account of a particular user, you can submit an opinion using the "like" button underneath the profile picture of the user, or by rating them from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest. You may modify your “likes” and “ratings” for any expert/organization at any time.
Please contact us if you have any further questions about TutorExtra.