Jackson Education Support
School, Learning Center
Schedule a consult and view client feedback by visiting the website: www.*** develops more independent learners. Specialty areas: literacy, math, & science. All ages. Private tutoring. Writing assistance. Exam proctoring. +More!
School, Learning Center
Our one-on-one German lessons focus on each student’s needs and goals. The usual fee for our one-on-one lessons is $60 for a 60 minute lesson. This would include lessons at JacobiTeacher Downtown office Manhattan, NY.
For students who prefer private lessons at home or work, the fee may be higher depending on www.*** online lessons we use the video conferencing service "Zoom". You would not have to download it to attend online lessons with us! Because our schedule is flexible, we do not charge a cancellation fee. Our clients pay only for the personal lessons they actually attend!
Nico Jacobi holds a Master’s degree in teaching and education from the University of Cologne. He graduated in 2008 and taught German, Social Science, and Geography at Kurt-Tucholsky-Gesamtschule-Krefeld and Julius Leber Sekundarschule Berlin for the following seven years.
In June of 2015 he moved from Berlin to Manhattan, founded JacobiTeacher and started offering private German tutoring services in the NYC area for all levels and contexts: professional, personal, etc.
He studied under Professor Kersten Reich at University of Cologne, where he was influenced by the philosophies of John Dewey and constructivist teaching methods and uses a lot of these methods for his lessons.
What are your goals?
Our one-on-one German lessons focus on each student’s needs and goals. The following descriptions of learning levels will help you to classify your own level. They also help us organize the teaching process so that we can create useful material. While these levels are helpful guides, they are just suggestions; Our teachers are very flexible in their teaching and will make sure the student is reaching his or her goals.
Basic 1 Grammar:
The Basic 1 level focuses on the basic development of grammar skills. By the end of this level, students will be able to create everyday expressions and basic phrases. Students will build basic vocabulary and listening skills while developing a foundation in German grammar.
Basic 2 Listening / Speaking:
The Basic 2 level focuses on the development of listening and speaking skills. While developing these verbal skills, students will continue to build vocabulary and extend their grammar skills. By the end of this level, students will be able to understand German sentences and frequently used expressions related to common topics (e . g . very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
The Advanced level focuses on the development of conversation and communication skills. Conversation topics are drawn from articles, movies, TV shows, culture, etc. During the lessons students will also extend their skills in grammar and vocabulary.
Konversation 1
Das Level Konversation 1 richtet sich an Deutschlerner, die bereits über genügend passive Sprachkenntnisse verfügen, um die Sprache zu konsumieren, sie aber noch nicht ausreichend anwenden können, um sich im Gespräch sicher zu verständigen.
Die Gesprächsthemen orientieren sich am Alltag und den Bedürfnissen des Schülers/ Studenten. Es werden ausserdem weiterführende Gramatikregeln erarbeitet und der Wortschatz erweitert.
Konversation 2
Das Level Konversation 2 richtet sich an Deutschlerner, die sich im Alltag bereits sicher verständigen können. Das Ziel des Kurses ist es die Sprachkenntnisse zu perfektionieren.
Gesprächsthemen können je nach Interesse des Schülers/ Studenten aus den Bereichen Gesellschaft, Politik, Erdkunde und Unterhaltung stammen.
Garage Band U - Music School
School, Learning Center
Since it was founded in 2000 in Downers Grove, Garage Band U has provided its students with a critical learning experience that individual study cannot deliver: hands-on group performance. Garage Band U creates a fun and supportive environment where musicians of all ages can develop their skills and experience the thrill and pride of performing together as members of a real rock band. Garage Band U students learn what is expected of professional musicians because they are TAUGHT BY PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANS.
Garage Band U will help you:
• Build confidence• Set and achieve goals• Work effectively as part of a team• Tap your creativity• Network with other musicians• Make new friends and have the time of your life!
• Open enrollment policy - sign up at any time• Semesters last 12 weeks; groups rehearse 1 hour per week• Summer semesters last 6 weeks; groups rehearse 90 minutes per week• No monthly payments: a one-time charge of $300 covers an entire semester • Refer a friend, save $50!
Baywood Learning Centers
School, Learning Center
Baywood Learning Centers operates enrichment programs for gifted and the only education model designed by kids who love to learn, for kids who love to learn. This model knocks the traditional hierarchical model on its ear to allow for true democracy, full transparency and independence for advanced learning.
California Educational Centers
School, Learning Center
In 1991, Brian Tom's seedling educational center, Cerritos Education Center, consisted of a one-room homework lab, a used van, and a staff of 5 employees.
Today, the educational services company has transformed to become California Educational Centers Inc., or CEC, now boasting several contracts with school districts, valued community relationships and a staff of more than 100, including credentialed teachers, college graduate and undergraduate students, who reach out year-round to all students. CEC is proud to receive continued support from the community, through partnerships with institutions like the California Chess Academy, Chick-Fil-A, Elephant Bar Restaurant, Network for a Healthy California and Project APPLE.
While the facility and the student base has certainly grown and changed over the years, the principle behind the company remains the same. The vision was, and still is, for an educational center with 3 core values: safety, education and fun! Together these components, along with the mission statement, "to help each student reach his/her highest academic and social potential"brings to life an educational center whose unique environment inspires academic and social success for its students.
Founded in 1991. We work with 5 School Districts.
CEC strives to guarantee academic and social success for its students. CEC continues to be at the forefront of education, constantly developing new programs and curriculum designed to inspire every aspect of a childs mind, and utilizing the latest in educational technology in its multimedia computer lab, Vision Learning Labs.
As the company has grown, so has the diversity of its clientele. CEC's goal is to make its educational services available to all students, of all backgrounds. With this goal in mind, CEC has worked hard to offer special year-round discounts to make CEC's work with each family's own budget.
Even though he is legally blind, Brian Tom has a clear vision to educate others and is motivated to share this vision. From the very start of his journey, which began with his diagnosis of glaucoma, to his present achievements, four highly respected companies, Brian and his staff have maintained their devotion to education and continue to provide students with a visionary path to success! California Educational Centers continues to be an integral part of the neighboring community fueled in large part to our staff's dedication and enthusiasm towards student achievement!
Elite Sports
School, Learning Center
Elite Sports A.'s mission is to provide assistance and services that will help local youth acheive all academic and athletic goals! Elite is first and the only of its kind in the metro. The highly skilled, knowledgable, experienced tutors and training staff provide exceptional instruction to each member with extreme attention to detail in all areas of focus (academics and athletics). Elite is a 12,500 square feet facility, equipped with a regulation size maple hardwood basketball court, weight room, class room, multi purpose room, concessions and lounge. Outside of the facility on a qt of an acre. Elite provides a batting cage with pitching machine (baseball and softball) as well as artificial turf for sports training. Elite offers youth and adult sports leagues as well as tournaments. Team rentals and special events birthday parties, banquets, dances and conferences.
The Academy of 21st Century Learning
School, Learning Center
From the moment students begin their first hour all the way through the completion of their program, we strive to instill The 3 C’s within our students:
The adaptability to Change (and then change again)
The desire and capability for Critical Thinking
To use their Creativity as a means of expression and analysis
These 3 C’s act as the core of our education programs and specialty classes, all designed to encourage and support the growth of the whole child throughout the processes of self-development. Students become excited about learning because our programs are rich in academic skills, scientific discovery, visual arts, world culture, and language. We employ the teaching philosophy of achievement and success developed over decades of research by world-renowned Stanford/Harvard University psychologist, Carol Dweck PhD.
Read what our students and families have to say.
Arian Education Center
School, Learning Center
Since this fall, Arian Education Center has offered one-on-one,on-line and group tutoring to students of all grade levels, in all subjects. Test prep (SAT, ACT, GED, etc.) classes are also available during the school year and in the summer time. We are open and ready to serve your students’ academic needs, every day from 9 AM to 9 PM. The Center was founded by a former teacher, with over 30 years of public teaching and private tutoring experience, focused on mathematics and business. Our founding premise is to offer parents and students a more customized, personal service, specifically tailored to individual learning styles and needs. We teach a wide variety of subjects including but not limited to; Mathematics, reading, writing, test-prep, foreign languages (such as Farsi and Spanish), homework help, home schooling, and even computer literacy and essay writing.